

LMU法学院的学术成功计划旨在使学生能够内化, 开发, 运用法律知识和基本的律师技能,以提高他们在法学院的表现, 在律师考试中, 在他们的法律生涯中.

法学院广泛的学术成功计划在入学前就开始了, 为学生提供毕业支持, 直到学生通过律师资格考试为止.  学术成功计划与法学院的律师资格准备计划协同工作.




LMU法律’s Orientation program introduces new students to academic success techniques and builds skills in context by integrating their first Torts class session into Orientation. This innovative approach provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice their skills in context by completing actual homework assignments with the hands-on instruction of our faculty.

其他机会包括高年级学生和教师的大力参与,以强调课堂准备的重要性, 努力工作, 所有这些都是为了灌输澳门威尼斯人赌城即将到来的l班的支持和社区的知识.



LMU法学院的学术成功计划惠及所有学生. 这是通过课程设计来实现的, 加强, 并培养大多数成功的法律学生和律师考生所具备的技能.


法律基础 (第一年,第一学期)

这门课程是所有学生的必修课,它以迎新课程中介绍的材料为基础. 学生关注的是阅读能力, 分析, 合成, and brief cases; create and understand class outlines, and apply the law and other authority through essay exam writing and systematically problem-solving multiple-choice questions.


高级法律推理 (第一年,第二学期)

This course is designed to enhance the skills necessary to succeed in law school with increased emphasis on the ability to apply the law and other authority through essay exam writing. The course provides further insight and strategies for approaching multiple-choice questions and improving study techniques. 课程教学包括小组和一对一的会议. 这门课程是一年级学生的必修课,累计GPA为2分.法律基础课程成绩为“D”或“D”或“D”或以下, 这门课是所有其他一年级学生的选修课.


法律实践技能 (二、三年级)

This course is designed to strengthen students’ legal problem-solving abilities by focusing on activities that newly licensed lawyers are likely to encounter. While this course is required for upper-level students with a cumulative GPA that places them at high risk of attrition and failing 律师资格考试 on the first attempt, 任何学生都可以自愿申请入学. Students focus on improving how they learn and apply the law so they can draw on their understanding when analyzing the wide variety of legal problems that they are likely to encounter in law school exams, 律师资格考试, 在法律实践中.



除了正式的课堂教学, LMU法学院为学生和毕业生提供其他机会来提高他们在法学院的表现, 在律师考试中, 在法律界也是如此.



The 院长研究员计划 is designed to help facilitate first-year students’ self-regulated learning skills by focusing on studying strategies, 组织, 时间管理, 并通过预定的研讨会为第一年的课程考试做准备, 办公时间, 一对一的辅导课程. 该项目主要由院长研究员管理, 谁是表现出最高领导潜力的高年级学生, 学术成就, 以及各种各样的生活经历. These additional learning sessions provide 1Ls with an informal but invaluable opportunity to ask questions and further dive into independent learning skills and exam strategies.



法学院主要在第一学期举办一系列研讨会. These workshops are designed to complement the skills discussed and practiced in the required 法律基础 course that all first-year students take in their fall semester. 课程包括提供制定有效学习计划的建议, 发展课程大纲, 写法学院论文, 做多项选择题, 在法学院期间保持积极健康的心态.



Students who need more attention in a specific area may meet one-on-one with members of the LMU法律 faculty for further instruction and assistance.



LMU法律提供了大量的学习辅助工具和其他来自不同出版商的复习材料全部免费-包括,仅举几例: 卡利 (计算机辅助法律教学); 词汇超速; Quimbee; 西方学术学习辅助工具; 阿斯彭学习图书馆; and 记忆.



尽管每一次录取都有成功的记录和信任的投票, some students from underrepresented groups deal with self-doubt and unseen influences that can ultimately interfere with academic performance. 林肯学者计划旨在通过提供额外的学术成功来帮助符合条件的学生, 专业, 以及网络资源来帮助他们应对这些挑战.



除了, LMU法学院对学术成功的承诺继续在整个法学院进行教师咨询计划. 在每个学历的开始, LMU法律 assigns each student a faculty advisor: a member of the full-time faculty who provides guidance on course selection, 职业发展机会, 还有其他问题. 这个项目将每个学生与我们的教师联系起来, 他们每个人都是各自领域的专家. 如果学生对法律的某个特定领域感兴趣,而他们的顾问不是专家, 他们的指导老师将帮助学生寻找其他教授或专攻该领域的教师.







电子邮件: 凯蒂.Jones@LMUnet.edu


安娜X. Rickels



电子邮件: 安娜.Rickels@LMUnet.edu